Chapter 2-6
Edit Menu
Records Sub-Menu

An iData datafile consists of a collection of records. Every record has a freeform text area, and optionally, can have any number of fields. The Records sub-menu under the Edit menu contains the following commands:

Add New Record    (Command-equal)

Creates a new blank record after the current record.

Add New Record with Paste    (Option-Command-equal)

Creates a new blank record after the current record and pastes the contents of the Clipboard into the Freeform Text Area.

If the data is too complex for the OS X routines that process text and graphics, an error message may appear. If you see this message, save the datafile, Quit iData 2, and relaunch it. These routines seem to be more robust in Tiger than in earlier versions of OS X. We have not been able to generate the error in OS 10.4.1.

Delete Current Record    (Command-minus)

Deletes the current record from the datafile. A warning dialog will appear asking for confirmation that you really intended to remove the record.

Delete Record without Warning   (Option-Command-Shift-minus)

Deletes the current record from the datafile without the warning message. This is useful if you are deleting numerous records.

Duplicate Current Record    (Option-Command-i)

Copies the current record and makes a new record with the same contents. This can be useful if you are adding records that have a the same data in some fields. 

Remove All Duplicate Records

Sorts the datafile and compares records. If any records are exactly the same, one of them is deleted. If two records are almost the same, but different by a single character, iData 2 will not see them as duplicate.

Make This the First Record

Moves the current record to the beginning of the datafile. The current record will become record #1.

Make This the Last Record

Moves the current record to the end of the datafile. 

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