Chapter 1-2
Entering iData 2 Serial Numbers

After purchasing an iData 2 serial number, if you have run iData 2 before (as a demo, for instance, you may not see the serial number entry window right away. In that case, iData provides a way for you to bring it up whenever you like.

Here's how to enter your new serial number in iData 2:

         1. Select Licenses... under the iData 2 menu. This will bring up the following window, but with the upper field empty, and the message at the top varying according to what has gone before:

         2. Enter your name in the Licensed Name: text field. iData 2 doesn't use your name for any particular purpose, so you can enter anything you like here.

         3. Enter your serial number in the Serial Number: text field. (iData 2 serial numbers start with ID2-, followed by four groups of three digits, separated by hyphens.)

         4. Click the Add License button, and the Entered, Kind, and Licensed Name columns in the upper field will display the appropriate information. The message at the top will say iData 2 is licensed.

If you have any trouble pasting your serial number into its text field after copying it from an email message, try just typing it in. It seems that some email styles may interfere with copying, and it's also easy to pick up extraneous space characters that will interfere with iData's processing of the serial number.

As you can see, if you don't already have a serial number for iData 2, you can click the Buy License... button to go to the iData 2 Web site to get one. You can also select iData Orders from the Help menu.

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