Using Online Help for iData 2

Welcome to iData 2, the flexible, multi-use data management program! iData lets you collect and manage all kinds of written information.

How This Help Site is Organized

Help topics on this site are divided into two main sections, each divided into chapters. Chapter titles consist of the section number, a hyphen, the chapter number, and a descriptive phrase.

Section 1 covers basic information on how iData works and how to set it up. It is designed to make it easy for you to get the most out of iData, and to get it set up to match your personal working style. We strongly recommend that you read this section before you begin using iData 2.

Section 1 covers the following topics:

1-1 iData's Files and File Locations

1-2 Entering iData 2 Serial Numbers

1-3 The Datafile Window

1-4 Key Commands for Toolbar Buttons

1-5 Changing Commands Keys

1-6 Setting Up iData 2 to Work With the Services Menu

Section 2 is designed as a reference. It is made up of chapters that are organized around iData's menu structure, making it easy to learn how a particular menu command works. Because this section is designed as a reference, it may repeat some information that is contained in Section 1.

Chapter titles in this section include the main menu name, followed by a sub-menu name, if appropriate. While you should at least look over the chapter titles, you can put off a detailed reading of this section until you need to find information on a particular operation.

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